Dec. 18th 2010
Hello I am 23 and my husband is 25. We have medical under my job benefits but we both do not have dental. Although nothing is wrong with our teeth. I think we need to still see the dentist twice a year. I would like to get a plan together but not sure what to get. I would like something that is low cost as to fix better within our means.
Maine Online dental plans. Need Instant dental care.
Dec. 17th 2010
I need instant dental care. I have a killer tootache and need to go to the dentist. I do not have any dental insurance and very little money buy my friend told me about this web site.
She told me you have dental plan that start within the next day. Is that true? Can I really buy one of your plans and use it right away? For everything? There is no catch ? I want to make srue before getting one so I am not hit for a larger dental bill.