Sep. 22nd 2017
Over the counter whitening kits have made whiting teeth easier and more affordable for many people. Over the counter whitening kits will help to lighten teeth and make them whiter. They are convenient and provide an affordable whitening option. However whitening kids are some what limited in the efficiency and can cause some irritation and teeth sensitivity.
Online Dental Insurance on Whitening Toothpastes
Sep. 20th 2017
There are now many over the counter toothpastes with whitening choices to choose from and they all will help to brighten your teeth. Toothpaste with whitening help to remove surface stains which will help to brighten your teeth. However it is important to understand that whitening toothpaste does not lighten the color of your teeth.
Dental insurance plans, Dental teeth whiting
Jan. 19th 2011
Dental insurance plans, Dental teeth whiting: I have really yellow teeth which I hate and want them to be white. I have not cavities because I do brush but toothpastes with whiting has not seem to help me any in whiting my teeth.
I think my teeth make me look ugly and I want to do something I was told that dental insurance plans will not cover for teeth whitening treatments so there is no point in getting dental insurance and I tried over the counter products for teeth whiten to get little to no results.
Dental care, How do you whiten your teeth without strips
Jul. 25th 2010
I would like to whiten my teeth without having to use harsh chemicles and wear down my tooth enamel. What can I do to get a whiter smile without forsaking my teet? Thanks for any help.
Full Coverage Dental Insurance Plans
Jul. 8th 2010
What type of dental insurance offers you full dental coverges? I am an adult with no kids. I am looking for a dental insurance plan that does not exclude coverages for cosmedic dental services. I want a plan that does it all. I not saying I need cosmedic dental services but if in the future […]
Related posts:
- Low cost full coverage dental insurance plan.
- What is the coverage difference between Dental Insurance and a Dental Discount plan
- Dental Coverages, Which offer better coverage a discount plan or dental insurance
Dental care, I want whiter teeth but brushing not helping
Jun. 10th 2010
For some reason my bottom teeth are darker then my top teeth. I do not smoke but do drink coffee once in a while. I am not sure if that the reason but I really what my bottom teeth to be whiter.
I have been brushing with teeth whiten toothpaste to no avail. I brushing my bottom teeth longer then I do my top teeth and I brush three times a day hopping to see any difference. What can I do to whiten up my bottom teeth.
Dental insurance, Dental care and teeth cleaning
Jun. 9th 2010
I have dental insurance though work I think it is an HMO any way I get two cleaning a year for free. I have not yet used the plan and was thinking about going in for my cleaning because I have not seen a dentist in over two years.
My teeth are stained even though I brush and floss daily. I do not drink coffee or tea nor do I smoke but I do eat food that may stain my teeth. If I go in for a good cleaning will that help remove the stains and make my teeth brighter?
Will dental insurance cover for having teeth whitening treatments.
Jun. 7th 2010
I have really bad stained up teeth. Mostly do to my coffe and tea drinking but I am slowing down on both and want to have my teeth whiten by a dentist so that I know it is done correctly with the best results. I was told that dental insurance does not cover to have teeth whitening treatment is that true. If so what does cover you for teeth whitening treatments.